Picture a modern-day phone booth where everyday heroes can transform their focus and productivity. Our new solo booth will be just that – quiet, private space for phone calls, digital learning, online job interviews, or virtual healthcare and therapy visits.
Just as superheroes of the past looked for traditional phone booths to change into their capes, we’re looking for superheroes like you to consider giving towards a modern version of the phone booth that can help so many members of our community achieve their superpowers.
Superpowers aren’t always visible—some heroes save the day in everyday ways. Can we please count on your gift of any amount towards our Annual Fund goal of $10,000 to achieve this vital resource for our community?
Please consider making a gift today if you are able. There are multiple ways to help:
(A copy of the Annual Fund response card is also available here.)
Your past support has enabled us to better serve the community in so many ways, including The Workshop, The Point and The Flex spaces, as well as recent improvements to the Quiet Reading Room and Study Rooms. Making your gift today helps the library achieve goals of improved spaces for the community.
Heroes do not need capes to make an impact. Thank you for your generosity!