Why is the Warren-Newport Public Library closed?
This unprecedented period of time in our global history warrants unprecedented responses to help protect our community. The Warren-Newport Public Library (WNPL) made the decision to close our main building and bookmobile service on Friday, March 13 to protect our staff and community from the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve. We know from health officials that COVID-19 (coronavirus) is easily spread in confined, indoor spaces. Information shared by state and local government officials indicates that aggressive early social distancing can stop the coronavirus from exponentially spreading. Libraries are places where people gather, sometimes in large groups. Because of this, we feel closing to the public will help keep community members safe.
Can I check out physical materials?
No, you may not check out physical materials at this time. WNPL offers many digital resources, including ebooks, eaudiobooks, movies and music that can be downloaded or streamed with a WNPL card. Find out more here.
Can WNPL provide curbside service?
When we know it is safe and we have the okay from local health officials, we certainly will consider offering services at the library during the pandemic, even if we have to start with limited services like curbside pickup. However, it might still be some time until it is safe for us to do so. We monitor the situation daily will be prepared to take action when the situation improves.
Can I place holds on items?
Yes, you can place holds on items in WNPL’s collections through our online catalog. However, due to the Library’s closure, items are not able to be picked up at this time. Your current holds will not be affected and you will not lose your place in line. Holds that are currently on the holds shelves will have their pickup dates extended while we are closed. No one will lose their hold because our doors are closed temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, interlibrary loan requests are not being processed at this time.
Will I be fined for overdue items?
No, because WNPL is fine free! Due dates have been extended and will continued to be re-evaluated as COVID conditions surrounding the Library’s closure change. Please enjoy the library materials you have borrowed. The Library’s book returns are not available at this time.
Is the Bookmobile operating?
No, the Bookmobile and Outreach Services are not available during the Library’s closure.
Is Bookends, the Friends of WNPL bookstore open? Can I drop off donations?
Bookends is not open now and is not accepting donations at this time. Please hold on to your donations until future notice.
Can I get a WNPL card, even though the library is closed?
Yes, you can! If you are a resident of the Warren-Newport Public Library district, you can apply for a card online and receive your new card number within 24-48 hours. Please visit this page (link) for more info.
Can I still book a meeting or study room?
Because the Library is closed until further notice, subject to change, meeting and study rooms are also currently closed in order to prevent the transmission of illness. You cannot reserve a room while Library facilities are closed. We will reassess the situation as things evolve, so please stay tuned for more details.
What about library programming and events?
Due to closure and expected social distancing requirements once it is safe for the Library to reopen, programs and events are in the process of being evaluated by staff. Many virtual programs are being tested and planned. Please watch for program announcements via the Library’s online events calendar and social media accounts.
What are library staff doing now if you are not open to the public?
Rest assured that WNPL staff are working hard behind the scenes to provide greater access to digital resources, develop online programming, and share ideas for extending service during the closure and for the future. Please watch our website, www.wnpl.info, and our social media presences on Facebook and Twitter, for status updates and program offerings, such as the Spring Reading Challenge and Read Outside Your Comfort Zone reading programs. Please sign up for WNPL’s enewsletter to keep up with the latest news and announcements.
How can we help as a community during the closure?
Library staff have created a COVID-19 Find Help page that lists volunteer resources, as well as links to many other Federal, State and local organizations. Help is needed and appreciated by so many in these challenging conditions.
Please continue to stay safe, take care of yourselves and your families, listen to local and state guidelines, so that together, we can protect the health of our community. We are all in this together.
Have more questions? Contact us via this page. We’ll do our best to respond as conditions allow.