Cryptids and Creatures at the Library

Are you a cryptid enthusiast? You never know what might be lurking among the shelves. Stop by and see if you can find some creepy creatures hiding at the library. And don’t forget to join us for our upcoming Fun with Bigfoot program!

Bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, fun, program, youth servicesFun with Bigfoot (All Ages)

Whether you call them Sasquatch, Yeti or What’s That!, drop by The Point to enjoy Bigfoot-themed crafts, puzzles and games. We can’t promise a sighting but we can promise some fun! Registration not required. Sat., Nov. 4




Cryptid Creatures, cryptids, creaturesCryptid Creatures by Kelly Milner Halls

Cryptozoology is the study of mysterious creatures that fall between the realm of real and imaginary on the scientific spectrum. Cryptid Creatures: A Field Guide offers a closer look at fifty of these amazing creatures, examining the best possible evidence for each, including scientific papers, magazine and newspaper articles, and credible eyewitness accounts.





Bigfoot, cryptidsWhat Do We Know About Bigfoot? by Steve Korté

Dive into the facts behind the most well-known footage of the cryptid and learn about actual scientific studies conducted to learn whether or not Bigfoot actually exists. Filled with accounts of over a century of potential sightings, this book will have every reader looking for footprints on their next hike.





Loch Ness Monster, CryptidsThe Secret Life of the Loch Ness Monster by Benjamin Harper

Think you know all about the Loch Ness Monster? Think again! This underwater cryptid has a secret life that may surprise you. Does Nessie have family swimming nearby? Is the creature in the lake a long-lost dinosaur, giant eel, or something else? Uncover these exciting facts and more through entertaining photos and easy-to-read text that supports struggling readers and engages monster fans alike.




Bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, cryptids, kanopyHunting Bigfoot

If you feel like searching for cryptids from the comfort of home, try watching Hunting Bigfoot on Kanopy! The worlds of narrative feature and documentary film are skillfully melded to capture this portrait of a broken man obsessively pursuing personal redemption in a world where many think he’s gone mad in his quest to find the elusive cryptid.