Dear WNPL Community,
This unprecedented period of time in our global history warrants unprecedented responses to help protect our community. The Warren-Newport Public Library (WNPL) made the decision to close our main building and bookmobile service on Friday, March 13 to protect our staff and community from the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve.
Since that decision, further information has become available about community spread, COVID-19 cases in Lake County have been announced, and Governor Pritzker has declared a stay at home order and extended school closure dates. Many other states have issued stay at home orders and more restrictive measures to protect their communities. It’s likely that more will follow.
At this time, WNPL is extending our closure, subject to change on the basis of state and local guidelines for dealing with this pandemic. This is not an easy decision to make, but one that is necessary to protect our community. Rest assured that WNPL staff are working hard behind the scenes to provide greater access to digital resources, develop online programming, and share ideas for extending service during the closure and for the future. Please watch our website, www.wnpl.info, and our social media presences on Facebook and Twitter, for status updates and program offerings, such as the Spring Reading Challenge and Read Outside Your Comfort Zone reading programs.
Please continue to stay safe, take care of yourselves and your families, listen to local and state guidelines, so that together, we can protect the health of our community. We are all in this together.
Ryan Livergood Jo Beckwith
Executive Director President