Help students in our communities with a special Back-To-School Donation Station, beginning Saturday, June 1, through Saturday, June 29. Starting the school year with the necessary school supplies promotes student learning and boosts self-esteem. Warren-Newport Public Library wants to help ensure that all kids have the same opportunity for success.
Suggested items for donation include backpacks, No. 2 pencils, pens, pencil pouches, erasers, colored pencils, crayons, washable markers, yellow highlighters, dry-erase markers, scissors, glue sticks, rulers, Post-it notes, index cards, loose-leaf notebook paper or notebooks (both college and wide-ruled), and folders.
Donated items will be distributed at the library’s back-to-school event in partnership with Brushwood Center on Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.m. to noon.
We appreciate your help on behalf of community students! Thank you for your participation.