Senior Services

Retirement, assisted living, and memory care residential communities within the Warren-Newport Public Library District are eligible to receive Senior Services through the Mobile Services Department.

Available services include:

· Lobby Stops: Regularly scheduled library visits to your community center. During a Lobby Stop, library staff bring library materials for residents to browse.  Residents can sign up for a library card, check out materials, and pick up holds during the visit for a mini library experience right in your community!

· Book Discussion: A library staff member will lead a monthly book discussion for residents living in your community.

· Beyond Books Activity: An informational library-centered activity provided for the residents living in your community.  Topics include (but are not limited to) computers and technology, arts and crafts, games, and more!

· Deposit Collection: An assorted collection of 30 library materials of various genres and topics to be shared among all residents. A deposit collection is maintained by library staff, meaning library staff will come to your community center to exchange the deposit collection each month.

· Book & Movie Bundles: A selection of items based on your interests. Patrons whose residential community receives Lobby Stop or Deposit Collection services can request bundles to be delivered at the time of the community’s next scheduled library visit.  Make your request here!

· Institute Accounts: WNPL offers Institute Accounts which enable staff at residential communities within the library’s district to check out items and utilize the library’s digital resources for their residents without using a personal account.

If you are interested in receiving Senior Services from WNPL, please contact Outreach Library Services by filling out the form below or calling 847-244-5150, ext. 3074.  We look forward to getting to know your residents and bringing the library to you!

Would you like WNPL to join your open house or special event?  We would love to visit!  Please complete the Outreach Event Application and a staff member will contact you soon.

What services are you interested in?(required)