Enjoy wonderful events throughout December:
Friends of WNPL Saturday Sale, Sat., Dec. 7, 10am-3pm
Shop for bargain books & DVDs for gifts!
The Hot Fedoras – Live!, Thurs., Dec. 12, 6:30pm – REGISTER
Jazz up your holidays with music from the Gatsby era.
Holidays Around the World, Thurs., Dec. 19, 7-8pm – REGISTER
Celebrate multicultural traditions of Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and Chinese New Year! Fun for all ages.
TAG (Teen Advisory Group) Gift Wrapping (benefits Warren Township Food Pantry), Sat., Dec. 21, 10am-3pm – REGISTRATION NOT REQUIRED
Drop off gifts for WNPL TAG volunteers to wrap during your library visit. Donation of one canned or non-perishable food item per gift to help families in our communities this holiday season.
WNPL Staff Association Pet Supply Tree, Dec. 1-30
Place a gift under the lobby tree to benefit pet welfare and animal rescue services in Lake County. Please bring new, unopened dog and cat supplies (dry or canned food, toys, blankets, etc.) for our animal friends.
Visit the Library Events calendar for more winter fun, including winter break activities!