Warren-Newport Public Library District
Lake County, Illinois
Board of Trustees
Jo Beckwith, President Anne Linsdau-Hoeppner
Tom Colwell, Vice President Kathleen Kettman
Andrea Farr Capizzi, Treasurer George Kotsinis
Bonnie Sutton, Secretary
Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
McCullough Room
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Determination of Quorum
President Beckwith called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Trustees present: Beckwith, Farr Capizzi, Kettman, Kotsinis and Linsdau
Trustees absent: Colwell and Sutton
Also present: Executive Director Ryan Livergood, Recording Secretary Celia
Ornelas, Noreen Reese and Jan Marsh.
Pledge of Allegiance
President Beckwith led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of Mission Statement
President Beckwith read the Mission Statement aloud.
Public Comments, Correspondence and Communications
a. Public Comments. None.
b. Written. None.
Vice President Colwell arrived at 7:01 p.m.
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Board of Trustees—Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 20, 2018–
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President Beckwith moved and Trustee Linsdau seconded to allow Secretary
Sutton to join the meeting remotely.
Motion carries on a voice vote.
Absent: Sutton
Consent Agenda
Secretary’s report. Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting January
16, 2018.
b. Monthly Financial Report for December 2017.
Approval of payrolls for January 2018.
d. Approval of bills payable for February 2018.
Patron suggestions from January 2018.
Board Policies for Approval:
1001 Bylaws
ii. 1053 Recording Board Meetings
iii. 3005 Confidentiality
iv. 3013 Library Card
4010 Friends of the Library
Personnel Policy for approval: 526 Cell Phone Usage
h. Personnel Policy for elimination: 504 Use of Phone and Mail Systems
Vice President Colwell removed item a. Secretary’s Report from the Consent
President Beckwith removed item f. ii. Board Policy 1053 Recording of Board
Meetings from the Consent Agenda. This Policy 1053 will be carried at New
Business item d. Editing of January 16, 2018 Regular Meeting video recording.
Trustee Kettman moved and President Beckwith seconded that the Consent
Agenda be approved minus items a. and f. ii.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
Items(s) removed from Consent Agenda
Trustee Linsdau moved and President Beckwith seconded to approve the
minutes of the Regular Meeting January 16, 2018 as presented.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
Abstain: Colwell
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Board of Trustees—Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 20, 2018–
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President’s Report
President Beckwith presented a written report at the meeting.
Reports of Other Trustees
Trustee Kotsinis attended the “Climate Change: Past and Present” presentation
held at WNPL on January 31, 2018.
He also attended the ILA President’s Day Legislative Breakfast with Executive
Livergood on February 19, 2018.
Reports of Standing Committees
Committee of the Whole – Meeting of February 6, 2018
General and Personnel
ii. Finance
iii. Policy
b. Finance Committee – Auditor Search
Executive Director’s Report for January 2018
Executive Director Livergood presented a written report in the packet.
Executive Director Livergood also attended the ILA President’s Day Legislative
Breakfast and offered his impressions of the event.
Unfinished Business
Board Self-Evaluation update.
Trustees discussed their accomplishments and weaknesses for their self-
evaluation 2017. They talked about new goals and improvements for the
year 2018.
New Business
a. Policy 3020 Circulation.
Trustee Kotsinis moved and Treasurer Farr Capizzi seconded that Policy 3020
Circulation be approved as presented.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
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Board of Trustees—Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 20, 2018–
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b. Policy 3023 Fines and Fees
Trustee Kettman moved and President Beckwith seconded that Policy 3023
Fines and Fees be approved as presented.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
c. Engagement of a new auditor.
Treasurer Farr Capizzi moved and Trustee Linsdau seconded that the Board
accept the proposal of Eder, Casella & Co. to audit Financial Statements of
WNPL for Fiscal Years ending 2018, 2019 and 2020.
The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Kettman, Farr Capizzi, Kotsinis, Colwell, Linsdau, Sutton, Beckwith
d. Editing of January 16, 2018 Regular Meeting video recording.
Trustee Kotsinis moved and Treasurer Farr Capizzi seconded that due to the
mention of personal information about a trustee during the announcements at
the close of the meeting, the information be edited out of the recording of the
January 16, 2018.
The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Farr Capizzi, Kettman, Kotsinis, Colwell, Linsdau, Sutton
Abstain: Beckwith
Trustee Kotsinis moved and President Beckwith seconded to approve Policy
1053 Recording of Board Meetings as presented.
The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Colwell, Linsdau, Kettman, Kotsinis, Farr Capizzi, Beckwith
Abstain: Sutton
Board Development: “The Dangerous Myth about Libraries” video.
Other potentially actionable items: Agenda items for March 2018 Regular
Safety/Security strategic plan update
ii. Other.
Public Forum.
Deputy Director Reese mentioned that Mathew Cordell, Gurnee resident, is the
winner of the Caldecott Award. Deputy Director Reese and Diana Sills, Head of
the Youth Services Department will try to contact him for an event celebration
in the Library.
By the chair:
Upcoming calendar
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Board of Trustees—Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 20, 2018–
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1. Next Committee of the Whole: Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
2. Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
3. Friends of the Library meeting: Thursday, February 22, 2018, 1:00
4. Bingo in the Books: Friday, March 16, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Treasurer Farr Capizzi moved and Trustee Linsdau seconded that the meeting
be adjourned.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
President Beckwith adjourned the meeting at 8:19 p.m.
/s/ Bonnie Sutton
Bonnie Sutton, Secretary
Approved: March 27, 2018
/s/ Celia G. Ornelas
Celia G. Ornelas, Recording Secretary
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February 20, 2018–
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