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Board of Trustees
Committee of the Whole
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7:00 PM
Meeting Room B
I. Call to order and Determination of quorum {>1}
II. Public Comment {20}
The Board of Trustees allows up to 20 minutes for Public Comment.
Individuals may introduce themselves and speak on any library issues,
not to exceed 3 minutes. Those who want their remarks to be added to the
Board record must provide a copy to the Board Secretary by sending an
e-mail to rlivergood[at] (substitute an “@†for the [at] in the e-
mail address) prior to speaking.
III. Finance Committee of the Whole: Andrea Farr Capizzi, Treasurer {30}
a. Financial statements for February 2022
b. Budget planning FY 2022/2023: Initial presentation of budget draft
IV. Building and Grounds Committee of the Whole: George Kotsinis, Vice
President {20}
a. Update on water fountains in the public area
b. Update on Library Van sale
V. Policy Committee of the Whole: Katherine Arnold, Chair {10}
a. 1045 Minutes and Recordings of Executive Sessions
b. 3050 Meeting Rooms
VI. Personnel Committee of the Whole: Jo Beckwith, President {10}
a. 108 Conflicts of Interest
b. 110 Outside Employment
c. 112 Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
VII. General Committee of the Whole: Jo Beckwith, President {30}
a. Library operations and mask update
b. Short Takes for Trustees: Board Self Evaluation
c. Board Self Evaluation
d. Statement of Economic Interest instructions update
e. OMA Training
VIII. Agenda items for Committee of the Whole for May 2022 {5}
a. Finance:
i. Review of March 2022 financial statements
ii. Review and discussion of updated budget draft
b. Buildings and Grounds
c. Policy and Bylaws
d. Personnel
e. General
IX. Announcements {2}
a. Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
b. Committee of the Whole, Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
c. ILA Trustee Forum Spring Virtual Workshops:
i. Saturday, April 2, 10 – 11:30 am, Library Director Evaluation
ii. Saturday, May 14, 10 – 11:30 a.m., Streamlining the Budget Process
X. Adjournment {<1}
{Estimated duration: 129 minutes}