The Warren-Newport Public Library District provides the community with access to information, kindles the
imagination of children and adults, and supports lifelong learning.
-Newport Public Library District provides the community with access to information, kindles the
imagination of children and adults, and supports lifelong learning.—
Mission statement approved by the Board of
Trustees, December 13, 2005
Board of Trustees
Committee of the Whole
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 7:00 PM
McCullough Board Room
I. Call to order and Determination of quorum {>1}
II. Bookmobile options presentation, Brock Templin, Farber Specialty Vehicles
III. Public Comment {20}
The Board of Trustees allows up to 20 minutes for Public Comment.
Individuals may introduce themselves and speak on any library issues, not to
exceed 3 minutes. Those who want their remarks to be added to the Board
record must provide a copy to the Board Secretary by sending an e-mail to
rlivergood[at] (substitute an “@” for the [at]
the e-mail
address) prior to speaking.
IV. Finance Committee of the Whole: Andrea Farr Capizzi, Treasurer {30}
a. Financial statements for January 2023
b. FY 2023-2024 Budget: overview of potential facilities capital projects
V. Building and Grounds Committee of the Whole: George Kotsinis, Vice
President {20}
a. Capital Needs Assessment
b. Building systems update
c. Quiet Reading Room update
VI. Policy Committee of the Whole: Katherine Arnold, Chair {30}
a. 3015 Materials Selection
b. 3047 Coco’s Cove
c. 3060 Standards of Public Conduct
d. 4005 Volunteers
VII. Personnel Committee of the Whole: Jo Beckwith, President {20}
a. 204 Personnel Data Changes
b. 205 Introductory Period
VIII. General Committee of the Whole: Jo Beckwith, President {20}
O’Plaine Road,
847-244-5150 FAX 847-244-3499
Warren-Newport Public Library District
Board of Trustees
Committee of the Whole March 7, 2023
Agenda page 2
-Newport Public Library District
Board of Trustees
Committee of the Whole March 7, 2023
Agenda page 2
Strategic Planning Process
Mobile Services update
Succession Planning
Library Advocacy: local events
Trustee password change
IX. Agenda items for Committee of the Whole for April 2023{5}
a. Finance:
i. Review of February 2023 financial statements
ii. FY 2023-2024 budget planning
b. Buildings and Grounds
c. Policy
d. Personnel
e. General
X. Announcements {2}
a. Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 21, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
b. Committee of the Whole, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
XI. Adjournment {<1}
{Estimated duration: 179 minutes}
224 North O’Plaine Road,
847-244-5150 FAX 847-244-3499
Individuals requiring special accommodations as specified by the American with Disabilities Act are requested
to notify the Executive Director at 847-244-5150 ext.3008 at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting date.