Warren-Newport Public Library District
Lake County, Illinois
Board of Trustees
Jo Beckwith, President
Katherine Arnold
George Kotsinis, Vice President
Celeste Flores
Bonnie Sutton, Secretary
Wendy Hamilton
Andrea Farr Capizzi, Treasurer
Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
McCullough Board Room
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Determination of Quorum
President Beckwith called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Trustees present: Arnold, Beckwith, Flores, Kotsinis, Hamilton and Sutton.
Trustees absent: Farr Capizzi
Also present: Executive Director Ryan Livergood, Recording Secretary Celia
Ornelas, Smruti Savarkar and Maurice Cashi.
Pledge of Allegiance
President Beckwith led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of Mission Statement
President Beckwith read the Mission Statement aloud.
Public Comments, Correspondence and Communications.
a. Public Comments.
Maurice Cashi expressed his concerns regarding an adult program
available through Illinois Libraries Present.
b. Written. None.
Vice President Kotsinis moved and President Beckwith seconded that the Board
accept Treasurer Farr Capizzi remotely.
The motion carried on a voice vote.
Treasurer Farr Capizzi joined the meeting via audio conference at 7:03 p.m.
Consent Agenda
a. Secretary’s Report: approval of minutes for Regular Meeting February
21, 2023
b. Reports of Standing Committees. Committee of the Whole March 7,
i. Finance
ii. Building and Grounds
iii. Policy
iv. Summary, Personnel and General
c. Monthly Financial Statements for January 2023
d. Approval of payrolls for February 2023
e. Approval of bills payable for January 2023
f. Patron Suggestions February 2023
g. Approval of Board Policies
i. 3015 Materials Selection
ii. 3047 Coco’s Cove
iii. 3060 Standards of Public Conduct
iv. 4005 Volunteers
h. Approval of Personnel Policies:
i. 204 Personnel Data Changes
ii. 205 Introductory Period
Vice President Kotsinis moved and President Beckwith seconded that the
Consent Agenda be approved as presented.
The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
President’s Report
President Beckwith presented a written report in the packet.
Reports of Other Trustees. None.
Executive Director’s Report March 2023
Executive Director Livergood presented a written report in the packet.
Old Business
a. Board Self-Evaluation
Executive Director Livergood presented a written report in the packet.
b. Strategic Planning update
Executive Director Livergood gave an oral update at the meeting.
1. 1017 Board Self Evaluation
2. 3050 Meeting Rooms
3. 4025 Community and Media Relations
1. 203 Employment Reference and Verification
2. 208 Employment Applications
c. Building Systems update
Executive Director Livergood gave an oral update at the meeting.
New Business
a. Quiet Reading Room: Award of contract for furniture
Vice President Kotsinis moved and Secretary Sutton seconded that the Board
award the bid presented by Forward Space for the furniture project in the
Quiet Reading Room as presented and to allocate the $5,000.00 donation from
Harold D. Burtt Trust for the project.
The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:
Ayes: Farr Capizzi, Arnold, Hamilton, Flores, Kotsinis, Sutton, Beckwith
b. FY 2023-2024 Budget planning: potential IT capital projects
Executive Director Livergood presented a written report at the meeting.
c. 10-Year Capital Plan Initial Draft
Executive Director Livergood presented a written report in the packet.
d. Quarterly Executive Director review
Executive Director Livergood presented a written report in the packet.
e. Statement of Economic Interest.
Executive Director Livergood reminded the Trustees to renew their
Statement of Economic Interest.
f. Other potentially actionable items: Agenda items for April 2023 Regular
i. Quarterly review Board Self-Evaluation and Board Goals
ii. Financial Statements for February 2023
iii. Initial Presentation of Budget Draft
iv. Board Policies:
v. Personnel Policies:
Public Forum. None.
a. By the Chair:
i. Upcoming calendar
1. Next Committee of the Whole: Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
2. Consolidated Election April 4, 2023.
3. Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
4. National Library Week, April 23-29, 2023.
5. Special Board Meeting: Strategic Planning Process. Saturday, April
29, 2023, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Vice President Kotsinis moved and President Beckwith seconded that the
meeting be adjourned.
The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.
President Beckwith adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m.
/s/Jo Beckwith
Jo Beckwith, Acting Secretary
Approved: April 18, 2023
/s/Celia G. Ornelas
Celia G. Ornelas, Recording Secretary