The Warren-Newport Public Library District provides the community with access to information, kindles the imagination of children and adults, and supports lifelong learning. -Newport Public Library District provides the community with access to information, kindles the imagination of children and adults, and supports lifelong learning.— Mission statement approved by the Board of Trustees, December 13, 2005 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting January 17, 2023 7:00 PM McCullough Room AGENDA I. Call to order, roll call and Determination of quorum. {<1} II. Pledge of Allegiance. {<1} III. Reading of the Mission Statement. {<1} IV. Public Comments, Correspondence and Communications. INFORMATION {20} a. Public Comments. The Board of Trustees allows up to 20 minutes for Public Comment. Individuals may introduce themselves and speak on any library issues, not to exceed 3 minutes. Those who want their remarks to be added to the Board record must provide a copy to the Board Secretary prior to speaking. b. Written: i. Memoranda from legal counsel, if any. ii. Other. V. Consent agenda (Any trustee may remove items from the consent agenda for separate action by the Board.) ACTION {3} a. Approval of payrolls for December 2022 b. Approval of bills payable for November 2022 c. Patron Suggestions December 2022 MOTION: THAT THE CONSENT AGENDA BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. VI. Item(s) removed from consent agenda, if any. ACTION {5} VII. President’s report. INFORMATION {5} VIII. Reports of other trustees. INFORMATION {5} IX. Executive Director’sreport January 2023. INFORMATION {5} 224 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois60031 847-244-5150 FAX 847-244-3499 Warren-Newport Public Library District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting January 17, 2023 Agenda page 2 -Newport Public Library District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting January 17, 2023 Agenda page 2 X. Old Business a. Approval of semi-annual review of closed executive session minutes. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD ACCEPT THE SEMI-ANNUAL REVIEW OF CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES AS PRESENTED. b. Quiet Reading Room update. INFORMATION {5} c. Building system project update. INFORMATION {5} d. Mobile Services update. INFORMATION {15} XI. New business a. Secretary’s Report: Approval of Minutes: i. Minutes of Regular Meeting December 13, 2022 ii. Minutes of Executive Session December 13, 2022, to remain closed to the public. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVETHE SECRETARY’S REPORT ITEMS i AND ii AS PRESENTED. b. Engagement of a new auditor. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL OF ATA GROUP, LLP FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR THE 2022/2023 FISCAL YEAR. c. 2023 Per Capita and Equalization Aid Grant Application. ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE 2023 PER CAPITA AND EQUALIZATION AID GRANT APPLICATION AS PRESENTED. d. Monthly financial statements for November 2022. ACTION {10} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 2022 AS PRESENTED. e. Ordinance 2022/2023-6 Tax Abatement for Debt Service ACTION {5} MOTION: THAT THE BOARD APPROVE ORDINANCE 2022/2023-6 TAX ABATEMENT FOR DEBT SERVICES AS PRESENTED. f. Quarterly review board self-evaluation and goals. INFORMATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION {5} g. 2023-2025 WNPL Strategic Plan: Update and Special Meetings. INFORMATION {15} h. Succession Planning. INFORMATION {5} i. FY 2023-2024 Budget process timeline. INFORMATION {5} 224 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois60031 847-244-5150 FAX 847-244-3499 Individuals requiring special accommodations as specified by the American with Disabilities Act are requested to notify the Library Director at 847-244-5150 ext.3101 at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting date. Warren-Newport Public Library District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting January 17, 2023 Agenda page 3 -Newport Public Library District Board of Trustees Regular Meeting January 17, 2023 Agenda page 3 j. Other potentially actionable items: Agenda items for February 2023 Regular Meeting. ACTION {5} i. Board policy 3015 Materials Selection ii. Budget process iii. Strategic Planning process iv. Membership Renewals for Trustees v. Other XII. Public forum {15} The Board of Trustees allows up to 15 minutes for Public Forum. Individuals may introduce themselves and speak on any library issues, not to exceed 3 minutes. Those who want their remarks to be added to the Board record must provide a copy to the Board Secretary prior to speaking. XIII. Announcements {5} a. By the chair: i. Communications to the public ii. Upcoming calendar: 1. Friends of the Library Meeting January 26, 2023, 1:00 p.m. 2. Next Committee of the Whole February 7, 2023, 7:00 p.m. 3. Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 7:00 p.m. b. By other trustees or the director XIV. Adjournment. ACTION {<1} MOTION: THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. {Estimated total duration 168 minutes} 224 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois60031 847-244-5150 FAX 847-244-3499 Individuals requiring special accommodations as specified by the American with Disabilities Act are requested to notify the Library Director at 847-244-5150 ext.3101 at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting date.