Warren-Newport Public Library District
Lake County, Illinois
Board of Trustees
Policy 1017
Board Self-Evaluation
Adopted: January 15, 2013
Reviewed/Revised: June 21, 2016; April 23, 2019; April 18, 2023
The Board of Trustees of the Warren-Newport Public Library District (WNPLD) is committed to
appraising its own performance as a Board in order to identify its strengths as well as areas for
improvement. Therefore, the Board has established the following processes.
The Board of Trustees shall conduct an annual self-evaluation. The ultimate goal of this
self-evaluation is to improve WNPLD operations and policies for the benefit of its patrons and
staff. Objectives of Board self-evaluation include the clarification of roles, the enhancement of
communication, cooperation, and understanding among Trustees, and the improvement of Board
cohesiveness, effectiveness, and productivity.
Each January, the President of the Board shall appoint an ad hoc committee to determine the
process and instrument to be used in that year’s Board self-evaluation. The evaluation instrument
shall incorporate criteria contained in these Board policies as well as those recognized by
practitioners in the fields of public libraries and board effectiveness. It shall also include
opportunities to assess progress on the prior year’s goals and to offer suggestions for the following
year’s goals.
All Trustees are expected to complete the evaluation instrument and submit it to the Chair of the
ad hoc Board Self-Evaluation Committee. The Chair shall tabulate and summarize the results for
discussion among Trustees at a Board meeting. The results and subsequent discussion will be
used to identify accomplishments in the past year, areas for improvement, and goals for the
following year. The Executive Director may also be asked to provide their perspective on Board
performance and accomplishments during the prior year and/or on upcoming goals.
At the completion of the Board Self-Evaluation process, the survey instrument, summary of
results, and any other relevant documents shall be placed in the Board Self-Evaluation binder in
the locked Board cabinet. These documents shall be archived for not less than ten (10) years for
the reference of future Boards.