Warren-Newport Public Library District Lake County, Illinois Board of Trustees Policy 1030 Board and Executive Director Responsibilities Adopted: May 9, 1989 Reviewed/Revised: January 12, 1999; January 14, 2003: November 14, 2006; August 21, 2012; September 17, 2013, August 18, 2015; May 17, 2016; October 15, 2019; March 19, 2024 ARTICLE 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Library Board of Trustees was created by law to act as governing body of the Warren-Newport Public Library District (WNPLD). This Board shall represent the interests of the district residents and shall establish a mission statement, goals, and objectives to fulfill the needs of the Warren- Newport Public Library (WNPL) in relation to the district community. It is the responsibility of the Board to determine and adopt written policies to govern the operation of the library and to provide materials, services, and physical facilities to carry out WNPL programs. The Board shall appoint a qualified Executive Director who shall serve as the executive and administrative officer of WNPL under the Board’s review and direction. Using previously determined criteria, the Board shall annually assess the Executive Director's performance, make appropriate salary adjustments, and make all appropriate recommendations for their improvement or dismissal. ARTICLE 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Executive Director shall carry out the goals, objectives, and policies of WNPLD as adopted by the Board and shall be responsible for all Library operations including the selection, care, and maintenance of WNPLD’s materials and facilities. They are responsible for providing quality library service to the public and for recommending and carrying out policies and plans for extending the services of WNPLD. The Executive Director or their designee shall attend all Board and Committee of the Whole meetings except those executive sessions at which the Board determines the presence of the Executive Director is not appropriate. To carry out these responsibilities, the Executive Director shall establish and direct a management team and personnel organization in the development of administrative policies and procedures to fulfill the goals and objectives of WNPLD. Within Board-adopted personnel policies, the Executive Director shall supervise the staff, including the appointment, evaluation, and dismissal of staff based on an approved personnel performance/evaluation process. When any matter is not covered by existing Board policy, the Executive Director may act on their own discretion if action is necessary. They shall report such action to the Board no later than the next regular Board meeting and shall recommend policy to provide guidance in the future. ARTICLE 3. PERSONNEL POLICIES The Board shall adopt and periodically review the personnel performance/evaluation process to include but not be limited to personnel classifications, job descriptions, and personnel policies, governing such areas as employment practices, personnel performance/evaluation, salaries, benefits, and WNPLD work policies. All such personnel policies shall be developed in consultation with the Executive Director and staff and shall be distributed to every employee and every member of the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE 4. FUNDING AND BUDGETING The Board shall secure funds, shall consult with the Executive Director in the preparation of the annual budget, and shall approve the annual budget. The Executive Director is responsible for preparing an annual budget in consultation with the Board and for directing the financial operations of WNPLD within the budgeted appropriations. ARTICLE 5. PLANNING Every three (3) years, the Board shall develop a strategic plan as a guide to serving the WNPLD community. Developing the strategic plan should be a collaborative process involving Trustees, the Executive Director, and staff; input from the community is also desirable. The planning process should incorporate an understanding of the Library’s current services and an examination of community needs to create a vision for the future. The plan will include measurable goals, objectives, and activities for furthering library service in keeping with that vision. The Board and Executive Director shall monitor the implementation of the goals of the strategic plan on a regular basis. The Board, Executive Director, and staff may also collaborate on specific planning efforts, such as technology or disaster planning. ARTICLE 6. LIBRARY EVALUATION Because constant constructive appraisal of the Library is a prerequisite to achieving the goals expressed in WNPLD’s by-laws, it is the responsibility of the Board to evaluate the Library’s performance. Because the specific impact of the Library and its programs is not always measurable in concrete terms, it is the joint responsibility of the Board of Trustees, Executive Director, and WNPLD staff to use statistical measurement, financial data, library standards, and any other available information to evaluate the Library’s effectiveness to the extent such evaluation is possible. _________________________________________